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This is your Students' Union Team. Click on any team member's icon to see contact information and additional info.

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Stephen 'Fog' Fogarty
SU President

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Aaron Lynch

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Cian McGrath

Part-Time Officers

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Cathal Errity
Sports Officer 


Mature Students Officer

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Sara Flannery
Societies Officer 

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Simon Jennings
On Campus Ents Officer

 Patrick McGrath
Equality & Citzienship Officer 

Union Structure


MTUK Students' Union | Our Mission:


The Munster Technological University Kerry Students' Union is the representative body for its 3,500 students. We are made up of three full time officers and five part time officers, who will serve a term of 12 months. All officers have been elected by the students of the Institute. This means that we have gone through many of the same experiences you all will go through so you should feel comfortable to come to us with any query at all, hopefully we can make your experience here as enjoyable as possible.

What We Do

Every registered student is automatically a member of the Students' Union, and a member of our national union USI (Union of Students in Ireland).


The functions include:

1. Representation

The SU represents you at numerous councils and committees on lots of levels. We strive to make sure you get the best deal possible when it comes to your education and welfare. We are also active members of USI, where we work on national campaigns such as the fight against fees and the reform of the grant system.


2. Services

The SU offers a wide range of services, including information on anything college related, a 2nd hand book shop, a grinds system and a place to chill out and relax during a stressful day. Our facilities offer you the best deal as we are a non-profit organisation.


3. Entertainment

The SU endeavours to present top quality entertainment to all our members whether it be on or off campus. We organise events such as Fresher’s Fortnight, Christmas Day, RAG week (charity week), and the college ball plus much much more! Lookout for events in our local pubs, where big names from across the music scene will grace the stage regularly. Also we urge students to lookout for and join in with our daytime entertainments.


4. A Helping Hand

The SU is always here to help out a student in need. If you are having any kind of personal problems, from finance to sexuality, our Welfare Officer Niamh is ALWAYS here to help. We offer confidential and comfortable space to talk along with an effective referral service. The Education Officer Seán is always at hand to help out with academic problems you may have, ranging from missing lectures to applying for the grant.


Union Structures

  • The two main decision making bodies of the SU are the Class Rep Council & Union Executive.

  • Students elect class reps at the beginning of the year who represent them on Class Rep Council.

  • There are 3 sabbatical officers in the SU. That means that they were elected into their position & take a year out to work full-time with the union. The positions are: President, Vice President for Education & Vice President for Welfare.

  • The Union executive is made up of the three full-time sabbatical officers, the administrator/secretary & the 6 part-time officers.

  • The 5 part-time officers are the on campus Entertainments Officer, Equalities and citizenship Officer, Communications Officer, Societies Officer, Sports Officer, & Mature Student Officer. They make sure their respective areas are being looked after.

  • Class rep elections are held at the beginning of each year.

  • Sabbatical and part-time elections take place in semester 2 and nominees are elected for the next year.





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